您现在的位置:山东九羊集团有限公司(Shandong Jiuyang corporation Company Limited) > 公司介绍 |
山东九羊集团有限公司坐落于泰山东麓、汶水北岸,背靠~~森林公园华山,交通便利,环境优美。公司始建于1964年,经过40多年的发展,现已成为一个集冶金、焦炭化工、铸锻、机械加工、新材料、建筑安装、物流、休闲度假于一体的国家大型企业集团、山东省重点钢铁生产加工企 业。2006 年,公司成功跻身“2005 年度中国企业(集团)1000强”、“2005年度中国制造业500强”、“2005年度山东企业(集团)100强”。 公司现有员工4000多人,其中工程技术人员700人,占地3000多亩,资产总值30亿元,下设山东富伦钢铁有限公司、山东九羊实业股份有限公司、山东华顺盟陶瓷新材料有限公司、莱芜市九羊福利铁厂四个控股子公司。曾先后荣获国家重点高新技术企业、中国专利山东明星企业、省文明企业、省级技术中心企业、山东省百强民营企业、省级重合同首信用企业等荣誉称号。企业银行信誉 AAA 级,拥有自主进出口权,年进出口额 2 亿美元。1998 年通过了ISO9002质量体系认证;2001年通过ISO9001:2000质量体系认证;2003年通过了清洁生产认证。公司拥有雄厚的新产品开发能力,先后承担 Fe-Al/Al2O3 复合陶瓷材料国家 "863" 计划、刹车盘"双加"技改计划、科技型企业创新计划及省级技改计划等项目十六项,为企业迅速发展壮大奠定了良好基础。
Shandong Jiuyang corporation Company Limited is located at the east of Mountain Tai,and in the city of Laiwu which has convenient transportation and beautiful scene, which is the “Top 1000 enterprises (group) of China in 2005 ,Top 500 manufacture enterprises of China, Top 100 enterprises (group) of Shandong province.”Shandong Fulun Steel Company,Shandong Jiuyang industrial Stock Company limited, Shandong Hua-Shun-Meng Ceramics New Material Company Limited and laiwu Jiuyang Welfare Iron Works are its 4 stock holding companies.
Shandong Fulun Steel Company Limited is a private company united with mineral, metallurgy,casting and forging,manufacturing,new materials and coke industry. The company has more than 5,100 employees. Principal products:pig iron,coke,coal chemistry,pottery cutting tools,automobile parts and so on.In the year of 2005,5.5 billion Yuan of output value had been achieved and its profit and tax is 460 million Yuan. So far, the company has two 120-ton converters,four furnaces(1x208m3,2x450m3,1x1280m3) and its output abilities are 2.8 million tons of pig iron and 1.2 million tons of coke per year. Its bank credit grade is AAA. It has also passed ISO9002 ,ISO9001 international quality management system and possesses of secure technology to ensure the qualities of products.
Now we have realized the capacity of 3,000,000 tons of steel,2,800,000 tons of pig iron and 1,200,000 tons of coke . In 2007,the group turnover will be upto 8 billion Yuan,profit and tax will be 2 billion Yuan.
商铺网址:http://wzt03.cn.vooec.com |